Boiler inspection or examination for any possible ill-effects is very important and should be considered strictly. Now , here are the reasons why this should be done.Boiler inspection or examination for any possible ill-effects is very important and should be considered strictly. Now , here are the reasons why this should be done. Inspection lawsConsidering the rise in number of boiler explosions and carbon monoxide emissions and accidents caused due to this , inspection laws for boilers in many countries , primarily UK have become stern and therefore , this leaves with no choice , but to get your boiler service on regular basis. Government understands that lack of proper care for the boilers can be extremely hazardous for anyone health and also environment and therefore proper boiler repair or boiler service becomes vital. Considering the stern inspection laws , it becomes mandatory to go for proper central heating installation and boiler maintenance. These laws have mandated the boiler servicing. From the safety perspective , it is very important that certain things should be kept under check. These include checking pressure gauge , thermometers , pressure relief valves , temperature controls and other components included in your boiler. Boiler log for regular maintenanceBoiler log can be one of the best things or important aspect of maintaining boiler. As and when you get the servicing of your boilers done , make sure you mark it in the boiler log. Continuous and proper record of maintenance of boiler can help you in various ways. During maintenance , testing and boiler repair , you must get it recorded in your boiler log so that you remember about boiler service. The maintenance of records in your boiler log can be very helpful and ensures efficiency and maintenance of the boiler easily. Maintaining optimum functioning of the boilerMaintenance of the boiler can be done properly , only if you know how to do this. Boiler maintenance as well as safety can help you in several ways. So these are some of the ways in which you can maintain the boiler: Make sure the shut-off valves are kept in proper condition , as in , they should be kept leak tight. Leak tightness analysis or test can be performed by your gas engineer or technician to ensure this. Check the valves present in the instrument line. Make sure that they are working in proper condition too. Blow-offs as well as drains should also be kept functioning properly. Boiler controls such as pressure control , thermometer , thermostat , gauge glass and relief valve should be checked as well. The flame sensors and scanners should also be kept in proper working condition. Re-circulation pump should also be kept into consideration. Everything that you think should be replaced should go into boiler repair. You must ensure that boiler repair and boiler service is done in a proper way. First of all , make sure that central heating installation should be done in a great way and secondly , it is very important that boiler service should be done properly. Servicing and repairing are extremely crucial and everyone should therefore ensure that it is done properly.All the aforementioned points enable you to know how important boiler maintenance is.