Why choose colocation hosting?

Colocation hosting is the facility that houses your hardware andequipment in a secure environment, designed to protect servers fromfire, theft or vandalism. Storing your hardware in an office orwarehouse leaves your equipment vulnerable to these everydaythreats.There are lots of advantages to a colocation programme thatbeing stored at a secure location provides. You also have theadvantage of a storage facility which is designed specifically forthe servers, such as being fire-proof and maintained at the correcttemperature through ventilation and air conditioning.When you have a large business you can make good use of all theextra storage facilities enjoyed by colocation hosting. The serversare of the highest capacity and they are both fast and powerful.When you store all of your business servers in a colocationfacility, they will all be connected to the facility’snetworks, which will – in all probability – be fasterand more powerful than the one you had in your office. This is dueto the large amount of clients’ servers housed in thecollocation facility, you will notice the difference immediatelywith your online operations and reap the benefits.Colocation cuts out all sorts of overhead costs. If there is aproblem with your hardware or equipment, you can either contractthe colocation host to diagnose and repair the fault or send inyour own team of experts to sort the problem out. Colocationhosting with a reliable company such as us at CWCS CompuwebCommunications will enable you to keep your server in a highspecification data centre whilst keeping your business onlinetwenty four hours a day. You have constant physical or remoteaccess to your equipment and hardware and there is always technicalsupport available. You have access to different price plansdependant upon the level of service you require.The Article is written by cwcs.co.uk providing Colocation and Colocation Hosting Services. Visithttp://www.cwcs.co.uk for more information on cwcs.co.uk Thisarticle is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in itsentirety, including live links & this copyright statement mustbe included. Visit cwcs.co.uk for more services!