It is unfortunate if you are one of the 40% of Georgia residentswho have no health insurance in Georgia. The majority of Georgiaresidents get their health insurance through their place ofemployment, as part of their compensation package. However, somepeople, maybe because of their employment status, or medicalconditions, or financial situation, have no health insurance inGeorgia. This can result in some big financial stressors in theevent of an unexpected illness or injury. Having no healthinsurance in Georgia can be remedied for a lower price than youimagine.There Is No Excuse For Having No Health Insurance In GeorgiaHaving no health insurance in Georgia is unnecessary becausethere are seven large insurance carriers providing health insurancepolicies to Georgia residents. Through these companies, individualscan locate an affordable health plan that will provide medicalbenefits for themselves, and their families if they so choose.Don’t leave your family members with no health insurance inGeorgia! There are also three companies that provide Medicaid plansfor children under the age of 18. Many colleges also offer studenthealth plans to enrolled students. And many small businessessubsidize the monthly premiums for their employees’ healthinsurance. So saying, I have no health insurance in Georgia, isunacceptable if you want to have peace of mind and prevent medicaland hospital bills from becoming a financial burden to be placed onyour family.The Price of Having No HealthInsurance in GeorgiaUnfortunately, there are also seniors living here who have nohealth insurance in Georgia. Maybe they retired early from theirplace of employment and do not yet qualify for Medicare. Theseindividuals run a high risk of finding no health insurance inGeorgia that will approve their application. They may be denied dueto poor health or a chronic medical condition. There are someresources for people who get no health insurance in Georgia throughthe usual channels. Although some states have health insurancepools for the uninsured, Georgia does not have that program inplace yet. It is possible that individuals with pre-existingmedical conditions get no health insurance in Georgia. This is verysad and will also place a financial burden on the state of Georgia.Unpaid medical and hospital bills resulting from patients whorequire medical care and have no health insurance in Georgia, endup being a problem to everyone else in the state.If you lose your job and cannot afford Cobra, you may findyourself with no health insurance in Georgia. This may be the timewhen you need to focus and research the plans and policies offeredby insurance carriers here in the state. You can check with eachinsurance company to get rates and information. Another way offinding rates is to speak with a licensed independent insurancebroker. They work with all the major insurance carriers and willhelp you find the best plan for you. Please do not keep living withany health insurance in Georgia. Think about your family and thefuture.