If you’ve ever thought of creating your own website , then it is important that you know the types of web hosting services , there price range and possible draw backs in each. That way , it will be easier to choose web hosting good for your website. Most likely , you will be creating one for the sake of your business success or education purposes.If you’ve ever thought of creating your own website , then it is important that you know the types of web hosting services , there price range and possible draw backs in each. That way , it will be easier to choose web hosting good for your website. Most likely , you will be creating one for the sake of your business success or education purposes.Dial-up Hosting; basically , this type of website hosting service is offered by more than 90% of service providers. It allows users to create their own website by use of different tools that comes with it. As such , its tools relate to a number of basic elements required for website creation.Development Hosting on the other hand , is mainly used by web developers. These developers provide a wide range of hosting plans in their professional line of work. They buy their own servers and configure websites independently. With development hosting , a web developer is able to provide low cost hosting by combining more than one website using the same server (shared hosting). The developer is able to accommodate applications and websites of many clients.Web Hosting ISP; if you are into business , then this is the service to go for. To access this type of web hosting service then the file transfer protocol (FTP) is used. Since you will be creating your website to expand your business , the web hosting ISP allows for a larger bandwidth to accommodate the heavy traffic in your website. Other kinds of hosting services based on content format include; blog hosting , file hosting , shopping cart software , pastebin , video hosting , email and image hosting. In file hosting , the user is able to host files such as HTTP and FTP access. Image hosting allows users to upload and share images on a website. The image is stored in the server and given a specific code so that others are able to view the image online. It is with this type of hosting that an individual is able to locate any image stored in their local file system in the PC. The ZIP file for instance , allows one to store multiple images in one folder.In blog hosting , also known as blogware , an individual is able to create and maintain their weblogs. Here , one can gain access to affordable hosting and specific application support. They allow the user to publish , author and edit blog posts as well as comments using a specific image management function.In web hosting industry , quality is determined by certain factors. The type of operation system support plays a key role in determining quality. As such , the price , availability and client relation dictates the kind of OS provided in dedicated server. Another important factor is connectivity and bandwidth. Large bandwidth amounts per given time and high speed connectivity is what makes a good web hosting service.It is therefore advisable that before you host your new website on the internet , source around for quality web hosting services. Say it is an e-commerce website with lots of confidential files and data , opting for cheap web hosting may cause you an expensive loss.