Nintendo DS Mario and Mario Kart Now Available on DS Cards

Some of the most popular games ever released on any Nintendoconsole involve the infamous Italian plumber Mario and his partnerLuigi. Together they have plunged through strange worlds, battledmonsters through space and even gone head to head as siblingrivals.Two of the most popular games of all time, Mario & Luigiand Mario Kart, have been confirmed to be compatible with all thelatest Nintendo DS and DSi cards. This means that users of the bestselling Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi consoles can back up all theirgames onto a card so that when they go on holiday or are out andabout, there is no need to bring more than 20 game cartridges withthem!Mario & Luigi: Partners in time is the second timeNintendo have adopted its star characters in a role playing gameformat, and with incredible success. It follows on from theincredibly popular and successful Mario & Luigi: Superstar Sagawhich was released all the way back in 2003 for the GameboyAdvance. The new game takes advantage of the dual screens of theNintendo DS and the built-in microphone to adopt new gameplaytechniques and insert new challenges into what is already anincredibly well received game.A twist to the typical “Peach is indanger” scenario is on the cards, however! Mario and Luigi set outto stop any and all evil from overcoming the Mushroom Kingdom andits ruler, Princess Peach – but this time Bowser does not seem tobe part of the equation. Instead, an evil race from space known asthe Shroob are looking for a new planet to inhabit after their ownhome world lost its original appeal. Led by the mirror-characterPrincess Shroob, the evil race aims to colonise Earth andeventually destroy it through their usual means. To add an evenbigger twist to the story, these events take place in both the pastand future simultaneously – so throughout the game you will findyourself hopping from the past to the future in attempting to dealwith this threat.Mario Kart DS is the latest addition to what is anincredibly successful Mario Kart franchise that last ended withDouble Dash on the Nintendo GameCube console. Gameplay is asexpected, with eight go-karts battling it out on a series of bothnew and old tracks for the title of fastest racer! To keep the packtight, the infamous Blue Shell has made a comeback and threatens towipe out whoever is in first place at any stage of the race.Luckily this item is only obtainable if you are towards the back ofthe pack so abuse of it is kept to a minimum.The most impressivefeature of Mario Kart DS is likely to be its multiplayer features.Up to eight players can participate in a race provided they areconnected by a wireness network, so Nintendo DS parties are nowactually possible! This is double the number of people that couldplay on multiplayer on any previous Nintendo console. In addition,online play allows up to three players from anywhere in the worldto duke it out, connecting their Nintendo DS / DSi consoles overthe internet!Both of these exciting games are now available to playon the newest DS and DSi flash cards, such as the R4 SDHC, R4i,Acekard, EZFlash, iEDGE and M3i Zero.It has been confirmed that both of these incredibly populargames are playable and can be backed up on Nintendo DS flash cardslike the R4 card andR4i card. The newest DS and DSicards allow gamers to play games and also convert their Nintendo DSand DSi consoles into movie players, MP3 players and even eBook andPDF readers! You can buy R4 cards and related products at reputablestores such as DSCardWorld. Get yours today in anticipation ofthese great games being compatible!