iTunes album artwork serves important functions in your music library. For instance , it gives visual appeal to your collection. Without iTunes album artwork , you get a grey screen with a few musical notes representing the albums you have.iTunes album artwork serves important functions in your music library. For instance , it gives visual appeal to your collection. Without iTunes album artwork , you get a grey screen with a few musical notes representing the albums you have. It means when you want to listen to any song , you have to check the play list to know what is included in the albums. However , when you get a number of images as the profiles for these albums and the title tracks as well as names of the artists therein , your screen is transformed into a modern music library with appealing images representing the type of music included in them. In addition , iTunes album artwork helps you identify the collection faster than it would take with an almost blank screen.iTunes album artwork also helps you delete duplicated songs. It is like going through your albums all over again grouping them into appropriate segments. Errors may have occurred when getting or saving your music leading to a number of duplicate songs. They might even appear on different albums and you have never identified the problem even when listing them in your play list. This cleanup process also helps you have control over your collection by getting rid of any song that reappears in your albums. On the same note , getting iTunes album artwork helps you organize a large collection in a short period of time. This is because the automatic method takes a short time in deleting any repetitions in your albums leaving it clean. It also brings sanity to your storage space. Doing this manually is unthinkable and most people never go through their collection because the sheer bulkiness prevents them. That is why they take advantage of the automated process that cleans up and finds appropriate iTunes album artwork for the remaining albums.You will also find missing information for your albums. You can do this in the manual process of getting iTunes album artwork or using software. Manually , you have to find the information through the iTunes library and copy paste it in your collection. With software , the process is automatic and it takes a short while. All this is important because it adds sufficient information to help classify your music as well as aid in identification. Getting iTunes album artwork also means your collection is complete and there is no need to have a hard copy version of it. Since this is the technological era , more people are taking their work and leisure activities to the computer. This means if you had a large music collection in your house , you can seek the soft version of all of them in the latest formats suitable for gadgets such as the iPod and iPad and then have iTunes album artwork to complete your collection. That way , you will not need to make a physical collection because you can have a more efficient one virtually. Think of it as having a library that is appealing , easy to navigate , modern and stylish with appropriate images.