A resume is really very important for a job seeker. A resume is your representative and it should be deigned properly. However , most of the people use a boring and average resume that surely gets lost in the pile of numerous applicants. Your resume should grab the attention of the recruiter , so with just a paper resume it would never be possible. Resume is not only important while you are seeking job , it is also important when you are going to apply for sports scholarships.Really college athletic recruiting is not different. Although here you are not looking for a job but you are looking for a payment in the form of scholarship and financial aid for your college education. Generally the college coaches get thousands of application with athletic resume. It’s not easy even for them to search the most unique resume. So , sending just an email or a letter to the college coach is not just enough. It is not like that you will send one letter and it will be get signed by the coaches.If you want to get noticed among the thousands of resumes , you should create your resume with a unique look. Actually the main thing is to promote your brand as a student-athlete. You have to write it clearly on your resume about what do you stand for. It will help you to develop a brand identity. Your resume must contain a short note that demonstrates your soft assets like what are your intangible qualities , passion and skills. You should also include some references from other coaches and testimonials as a social proof of your sports skill. Actually , in the resume you have to manage your reputation as a student-athlete.Here are some other tips on how to create your own Resume:Always complete your profile with proper and valid information. Profiles that have barely any information are really disgusting. You should always completely fill the each space available in the resume. Each profile , typically will include , a personal , academic and athletic sections. You may also input your coaches’ contact information.You may consider adding multimedia at your resume. Adding photographs and videos will really make your profile unique and personal.Once you set up your profile , you have to upgrade it regularly. It should be updated regularly with your latest awards and accolades , latest game results and highlights. It will really keep the college coaches up-to-date and keep them engaged in your conversation.You should always include your contact information so that you can be accessible by the college coaches. It is required to put a professional outlet such as phone number or email ids. You can also use social media to promote your skill. You can use social media such as Twitter , Facebook etc. as a communicating channel.Keep your profile updated by entering some social proof of your sports skill. It is really important. Your profile would not be completed until you start to add references and testimonials.All these things are easy to incorporate while designing a suitable resume. By taking the help of your resume you can attract the college coaches better.Really college athletic recruiting is not different. Although here you are not looking for a job but you are looking for a payment in the form of scholarship and financial aid for your college education. Generally the college coaches get thousands of application with athletic resume. It’s not easy even for them to search the most unique resume.