If you want to benefit from a good business loan in Dubai even as a new resident , there are a number of things that you must know.If you want to benefit from a good business loan in Dubai even as a new resident , there are a number of things that you must know. Here is an outline of the various loans in Dubai and the kind of documentation that is expected of you in order to be considered for the loan. The availability of UAE credit cards makes it more convenient in terms of making sales and purchases in and out of Dubai. This is because they eliminate the possibility of robbery while carrying cash. You will have any of your financial needs addressed including how to get loans in Dubai if you visit one of the Islamic finance institutions in Dubai.There are a variety of loans offered by Islamic finance institutions in Dubai. Personal loans are basically given to persons who are employed and whose employer is an approved client of that particular bank you wish to acquire a loan. Other loans in Dubai are auto loans and home loans. Auto loans have a lower interest rate and are acquired if you want to purchase a new vehicle. Home loans , as the name suggests are acquired by those who want to buy new homes. They are of much higher amounts as compared to car loans in Dubai. Also , they require much more paper work before they are approved.UAE credit cards greatly reduce the risk of misplacing or losing your money while in Dubai but misusing them can cause more harm than good. The Islamic finance institution from which you obtained that card requires you to pay off in full all the purchases you made using your credit card during that month. If you do this you will have a good credit score and a better chance of benefiting from the loans in Dubai.In order to adequately compare loans in Dubai you need to understand that in addition to interest rates there are other additional costs in form of taxes , commissions and other underlying bank charges that you have to look into. There are a number of websites that provide loan comparisons of different loan products offered by various Islamic finance institutions. Ensure you know the right option as this will help you in choosing the loan that meets your needs best.There are a number of things that you must always remember before you apply for a loan or the UAE credit cards available. First and foremost always negotiate with the bank for the best deals in the market. The number of Islamic finance institutions is increasing by the day and each is trying to offer good deals to attract customers. You can increase your chances of getting loans in Dubai by proving to the bank that you are a low risk borrower and that your credit score is high. To do this you will require all the necessary documentation which forms your back up. Make sure you look presentable even as you walk into the bank; the bankers will only give money to people who talk and look professional. In the end you might even consider acquiring the UAE credit cards to make it easier for you to transact.