Sudoku variants are some of the most popular Kindle games that people download today. Mentally challenging and actually exhilarating , quite a lot have admitted that they are addicted to solving Sudoku grids.Sudoku variants are some of the most popular Kindle games that people download today. Mentally challenging and actually exhilarating , quite a lot have admitted that they are addicted to solving Sudoku grids. And , as it doesn’t take a lot of space for people to sit down and crack a Sudoku puzzle , it is a common sight to see a lot of us hunched over our mobile devices – and attempting to achieve that beautiful arrangement where each sub-grid , column and row feature the numbers 1 to 9 with no repetitions.Samurai sudoku is one of the most demanding Sudoku variants. They come in a lot of forms – from Sudoku books to Kindle games downloads to your newspaper. Sudoku enthusiasts find them to be the most interesting because they come with five inter-lapping grids , thereby requiring more patience but promising more mental rewards.Some Samurai Sudoku Solving TipsIf you’re interested in seeing how Samurai sudoku and other Sudoku variants can enrich your life , the following beginner tips for Samurai Sudoku players may be helpful:1. Get a lot of regular Sudoku practices. If you think it would be a bit daunting to solve a one-grid Sudoku puzzle , think how it’s going to be when you try to solve five of these 9×9 grids. If you want to be more successful at solving multi-Sudoku grids , practice on regular Sudoku variants first. This would prepare you more for understanding the game’s principle; recognizing the pattern; and applying the different mental aspects that come into useful play during solving Sudoku puzzles. You can practice with downloading free regular Sudoku for Kindle games , or through buying a few Sudoku books. The more you practice , the better you’ll get at solving Sudoku variants puzzles.2. Familiarize yourself with Sudoku techniques. Sudoku techniques are not cheats to complete the puzzle. Rather , they are intelligent tools that follow a certain formula – that can help you answer Samurai sudoku and other sudoku variants in your Kindle games downloads or Sudoku books. Among the most popular Sudoku techniques are:- Cross-hatching or hidden singles – where you look for an already provided number that frequently appears and use it to chart the placement of the other numbers based on logic.- X-wing technique – which says that there are only two possible ways to plot the same numbers in squares that form a rectangle; it uses pencil marks for possible numbers.- Swordfish technique – a rather more difficult X-wing-esque technique that uses three rows and columns and forms two rectangles- and others.There are plenty of Sudoku books and downloadable Kindle games with different Sudoku variants – that you can use before you declare yourself ready for some Samurai sudoku. Remember , playing Sudoku is one of the most interesting things you can do with your time. And , if it would not be very successful for you during your first try , don’t immediately think that it would be just as hard every time. Keep practicing , and you’ll surely see why this game is addicting – in a very pleasant , mentally-stimulating way.