Professional business cards are efficient marketing materials and networking tools.Professional business cards are efficient marketing materials and networking tools. In trade shows , seminars , conferences or just about any business and social gathers , exchanging of contact details to prospective customers and partners is a common practice. So if you are serious about getting your business or professional service known to as many people as possible , then you should consider printing your own business cards.Indeed , you can use your business cards to spread the word about your business. These simple items are useful marketing tools that can help you generate leads and eventually improve your bottom line. In order to make your business cards as effective as possible in generating leads , you need to be sure that all your basic contact information is printed on the cards. Otherwise , what’s the point of your business card printing efforts?In spite of its small size , your card should include a number of pieces of information that are relevant to you and your business. This will let people know how to get in touch with you should they have a need for your service or product. Below is a checklist of the most important details to include in your business cards , aside from your name. • Company Name – Whether you are a business owner or an employee , let the people know the name of the company you are connected with. Keep in mind that you are not just marketing your professional service , but your company as well (If you are a freelancer , then you may just have your name printed prominently).• Job Title or Position – The job title printed on the card informs people what you do and what you can offer. This will let them know if you are the right person to contact in certain situations.• Company Logo – The logo can help people recognize your business right away , especially if you already have a great advertising campaign for your products or services.• Address – Unless you do business solely online , this is an essential detail to include since many people would prefer to trust and do business with a company that has an actual address they will be able to locate.• Contact Numbers – Make it easy for your target customers to reach you by including your business phone and mobile numbers. You may also want to indicate the time you are free to take in calls.• Website and e-mail Address – These days , people find it more convenient to communicate through e-mail so be sure that you have created one for business purposes and print it on your cards. If you have a web address , include it as well. Directing people to your website will give them the chance to get to know more about your business.These are the essential information that your business cards should contain. Make sure that you have checked all these things when you bring your template to a business card printing shop. Otherwise , you run the risk of losing a potential valuable customer.