Domestic Appliances Through Time

It seems nowadays that domestic appliances like washingmachines, fridges and dishwashers are normal pieces of equipment toown in a house or a flat. It may sound like a very long time agobut there was a time where those machines did not exist or, if youthink just a few decades ago, where they were considered to beluxury items and that certainly not everybody could buy a washingmachine, a dish washer or simply a fridge.In the sixties, buying a washing machine could cost something likea month wage, depending on the salary obviously. The cost ofdomestic appliances really came down at the end of the seventies toallow people to buy them more easily. Thankfully, with nowappliances at a lower cost it is easier and more common to havemore than one domestic appliance in a home.With more and more competition in the appliance industry, we haveseen the arrival of a lot more of those that are made in china. Youmight think that Chinese domestic appliances or spare parts wouldonly be cheap and break down easily but it can be completelydifferent. In some cases it really is what it is. How can youexpect something very cheap to always be of good quality. Withpressure on all the retailers and manufacturers to come up withcheaper products, some people really have cut corners and you endup with very unreliable appliances that have a short lifeexpectancy. You may actually be surprised to know that goodproducts can come from China or any other Asian country. Those guyscan make really good quality products. So next time you want to buyHotpoint dishwasher spare part, Electrolux washing machine sparepart or anything else, have a look at where they were manufactured.It might be some part of Asia.In difficult times when you cannot or do not really want to buy newdomestic appliance when one breaks, you really need to considerlooking in more details at what part has just broken and see ifsomething can be done. It is very easy to go on an online shop orto go to a brick and mortar shop and buy things like AEG cooker spare parts, Electrolux cooker spare part or others. In most cases it willcost you less to do the fix yourself if you can or get somebody torepair the broken appliance.