When you hear of an escort and a working girl you may not know the difference. The owners of the business and the clients know that working girls spend their time on the street attempting to get clients for their business.When you hear of an escort and a working girl you may not know the difference. The owners of the business and the clients know that working girls spend their time on the street attempting to get clients for their business. As for the escorts they are normally called and this is through a service. The escort may be costly compared to the working girls. For instance there is the france escorts who are found in a brochure , escort sites or a pamphlet.The escort is not just an ordinary prostitute because they can offer services such as being there to just act as a girl friend experience. She has a profile and the client must check whether she is willing to accept to spend time with him. The escort girls will advertise themselves in publications and tourism advertisements. The client can also check the escort sites where they are likely to find the kind of girls that they want and need. This may not have changed much since history because prostitution is considered as one of the oldest profession and it is an activity that involves purely to pleasure the person.As compared to now , before especially in the twentieth century women and girls were trafficked as slave so that they can work in this profession. The young girls trafficked tried to run away but they could not and end up killing themselves. The girls are as young as twelve and it is a practise that is become common and brings in a lot of money. The young girls become pregnant and as for the men who are abusing them they could not care all they want is to be pleased. The girl reaches a point that she becomes numb and cannot feel the pain anymore. She is more of existing than living. The babies gotten from such acts may not receive much love or they may end up being brought up in the same behaviour. It has been implanted to the girls that they are objects and no one loves them nor appreciates them.For the escort it is something that she chooses to do and if they are regrets she can come out of it. The ads from lyon escorts or the marseille escort they are put in an enticing way to attract the clients even before they physically meet the lady. Men are visual it is not the words on the profile that does the talking it is how the lady looks in the photo. That is why the women who are put on photos is basically a photo of a model. The escorts not only vary in rates but also the time they are willing to spend with you. People who are making a business deal can decide to call an escort to make the other business person comfortable so as to accept the deal.The escort may also differ in looks because there are clients who prefer only blondes.