Greeting cards are bound to be on high demands during festive seasons. This is because it is during this time that many people and families remember their friends and loved ones living away from them. As such , you can easily make a lot of money using online greeting card software or maker.Using a good business card design tool , you can come up with an attractive one within a few minutes. The software will help you come up with a stuff that will be treasured by friends and family members. This is even better considering that you will create a card with features you like making it better than one that you can purchase made by someone else. Thus , using business card design software you can make greeting cards made with impression from your heart. However , there are many business card creator tools available online today. As such , you need to look for an ideal business card software that will give you quality results within the shortest time possible. There are various factors , which you should consider when looking for software to use in designing your liked one.Factors to consider Usability Creating attractive cards especially electronic cards is not easy. It involves a number of elements. It entails selecting the theme of your cards and template , editing images or photos after importing them , adapting or composing text messages , adding sounds and animations or video. It is easy to access good greeting card software in an intuitive setting. Such software should come with a drag and drop option. It should also be simple so that even a novice can use it with ease in creating cards with a professional look.Feature set Feature set acts like a toolbox and a resource kit for creating greeting cards. At the top , there are top tools involved in the creation of greeting cards. These include formatting tools , photo editing tools , other resource such as card ideas , themes , styles , clip art selections , templates , fonts and photos. When looking for a greeting card maker , go for one with these features.Easy to Install Any good business card software or calender card software should be easy to install. If a card creator is not easy to install , not many people would even bother installing it. Many people prefer software that comes with a one-step set up.Support service Another factor that you also need to consider when looking for a business card design tool is the support. This should be easy to get , understand and use. The main help that you should look for include tutorials for project and online help , idea galleries , help index , FAQ , among others.With a good greeting card maker , you can become an expert designer of customized cards within a very short time. No matter the occasion you intend to use your card in , greeting card software can help you come up with a well-fitting card for that special occasion. It is even better than browsing for them in various supermarket shelves.Design’N’Buy is an online design tool lab which has successfully integrated business card design software and variety of product design tool with online shops based on Magento , X-Cart , Zen Cart , Virtue Mart and osCommerce.