If you want college athletic scholarships the earlier you start the better. During these days the competition is becoming greater and harder every year by starting earlier in your high school years , you do give yourself an advantage.No longer can you wait until your senior year and expect to be in a good position to get an offer if you had a great senior athletic season. While that does help the competition has been working quality for years behind you.Athletic scholarships are really difficult to earn. If you are sophomore or junior year , you are in great time to start thinking about and putting a recruiting plan into place. So start by looking at your GPA and SAT or ACT tests. Not having the grades is the number one reason why talented athletes don’t get any looks from coaches. And if you are behind on your grades , make it a priority to do whatever it takes to bring them up to balance.While sophomores should just focus on developing their athletic ability along with their grades , juniors need to start adding more focus to the actual recruiting procedure. As a junior this is really important to make sure your games and matches are getting filmed as this is one of the top items used when making contact with colleges.If you are a student athlete , you should attend different summer camps and combines the summer before your junior and senior year. Please do not attend just any camp in your sport , but attend a camp that will maximize your exposure and increase your recruiting stock.Actually the competition for earning and being awarded a college sports scholarships is getting harder every year. There is a correct way to take to get one no matter the sport you play. There are some biggest mistakes which can be seen in every year. These are:You don’t have the grades:Talented student athletes , who could have been selected for sports scholarships , fail to achieve it just because the lack of high grades. Actually to pass the NCAA clearinghouse , a student-athlete must meet the minimum grade requirements to get into the college where they are being recruited.Starting the recruiting process too late:As the scene becomes more competitive each year , parents and student are starting earlier in their high school athletic career to get a jump on the other students. Do not wait until your high school career in over to think about playing in college. If you are a sophomore or junior , the time to start is now.Not knowing what coaches are looking for:You have been working most of your life at your sport. So don’t waste years of training by not knowing what the coaches want in an athletic recruitment process.Actually the competition for earning and being awarded a college sports scholarships is getting harder every year. And athletic scholarships are really difficult to earn. If you are sophomore or junior year , you are in great time to start thinking about and putting a recruiting plan into place. So start by looking at your GPA and SAT or ACT tests.