Any Leesburg VA orthodontist knows that childhood is perhaps the best time to get treatment for dental problems. Several factors may contribute to misalignment of teeth and include; finger and thumb sucking over a lengthy period.Any Leesburg VA orthodontist knows that childhood is perhaps the best time to get treatment for dental problems. Several factors may contribute to misalignment of teeth and include; finger and thumb sucking over a lengthy period. Sooner or later , even when they stop sucking their thumb , a pronounced overbite and other malocclusions may cause your child to be self-conscious about their smile. Such a misalignment can be hard on a child’s emotions. This is due to low self-esteem and self-confidence. Early diagnosis and treatment by your local Orthodontist Leesburg VA can ensure a greater result. Dental screening done at an early age makes certain the dental problems are avoided. A child can get the suitable and timely treatment plan for any orthodontic problem during such interceptive orthodontic sessions.Interceptive orthodontics assists your Orthodontist Lansdowne VA in ways such as: determining a child’s dental dentition as well as assessing dental diseases and anomalies. This will help in providing a pursuit for dental treatments before the problem escalates. Some common orthodontic problems in children are preventable. Children love sugar , too many sweets and soft drinks which can cause tooth decay by eating away at the enamel. In due course , the teeth will rot away from the starchy deposits in the teeth , resulting in a child having fillings that were needless. More so , the child may develop halitosis , bad breath associated with the food deposits between the teeth.Orthodontist Leesburg VA agrees that even if a child’s teeth may not decay , the enamel can be eroded to a point where the teeth become sensitive. Sensitive teeth react easily to hot and cold foods and drinks , causing discomfort due to the sensitive nerve endings. Sensitivity can in turn lead to gum (periodontal) diseases. The first stage will be gingivitis , with puffed up and red gums , followed by periodontitis , which will require the intervention of a doctor by removing the teeth. All these problems and diseases are avoidable by simply giving your kids sweets in moderation , and regular brushing and flossing. Parents should supervise these brushing and flossing sessions to ensure that their kids are doing it right.Your Orthodontist Lansdowne VA can also apply sealants which are a preventative measure from tooth decay.Some orthodontic problems are genetic or inherited , such as a cleft palate , spaced teeth , crooked teeth , a misaligned tooth or jaw deviations.Methods of treatment for these dental problems will vary. Depending on the extent of the defect , an orthodontist will diagnose children’s braces , aligners , headgear or oral surgery.In Orthodontist Lansdowne VA as well as other parts of the US , whereas children’s and adult braces are fixed , headgears are removable , worn up to 20 hours per day for best results. Headgears may be used as a part of an orthodontic treatment plan , or even before the application of braces. Sometimes headgears are worn at night , depending on the dental anomaly. It is imperative that children maintain regular dental appointments with their orthodontist for monitoring of their dental-facial development and evaluation of their dental hygiene.