Don’t Pop the Pimple


We none want to be here. In the midst of all the possibleeffectual luring, substantiated commitments, and convincingamicable distractions, we still exist as unsettled, dissatisfiedmanifestations of deeply unresolved confusion. We awake incontinued perplexity and sleep in shrouded mystery. No matter howmuch we pursue avenues of supposedly purposeful, meaningful,productive and prolific highways of verifiable efficiency, weremain … Read more



One simple prayer I keep on uttering everyday that I can dosomething good for the mankind before I breathe my last. I likevery much to sit in one corner of my room and try to invent newideas. I know many of them will never be materialized, yet it givesme a lot of pleasure. Not that … Read more

Unknown Voice


This is not an article neither it is an plea to awaken yourself.It is just another soul on this planet who is a curious case toseries of questions. I am unknown, just like everyone on thisplanet. I am not writing to show my sadness to what happened to thegang raped victim partly because the grief … Read more

Help People in Need for Fantastic Karma


As modern technology advances, human sympathy gives way to”technopathy”– people are just too active being glued to theirscreens to care about each other. Often, too, they bicker at andplay pranks on each other. It’s this sad reality that individualsnow live in, where the bonds between each other are asunpredictable and thin as the virtual reality … Read more