Lymphatic Massage – Cleansing Therapy Improves Health


For more than 70 years, lymphatic massage has been used tocleanse the body of toxins and to treat swelling, injuries andchronic conditions. Read more about the benefits of thisnon-invasive therapeutic treatment.Lymphatic massage has been used since the 1930s to cleanse thebody of toxins and promote better health. Emil and Estrid Vodder,physical therapists, developed the lymphatic … Read more

What Happens Before We Are Reincarnated?


Before we are born onto this earth we map out our journey forthe upcoming life time. This is not a destiny, or a violation ofour freewill. Rather it is simply a list of the things that wewould like to learn, overcome, or be able to accept in our upcominglifetime. It is a sketch, a draft, … Read more

The Revival of Worship By Benny Hinn


One of the greatest movements of the Holy Spirit in the worldtoday is the rebirth and revival of worship. In true worship,people meet the Lord with their intellect, will, and emotion.That’s the difference between a cold, dead service and one that isvibrant and alive with God’s presence.If you’ve ever been in one of our crusades, … Read more

Myth and Reality of Spiritual Practices


The most powerful and successful fraud with the whole humanityhas been that regarding spirituality,divinity, and other such super-natural impositions on humanity.Since, it is a psychological invasion of one’s being, it is notdetected easily and the victim feels that he is being benefitedwith such a practice. All such practices including meditation, yogasadhana, etc. work through auto-suggestion … Read more

The Names & Character Of God By Benny Hinn


As we read the Bible, we see many names that refer to God theFather, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God, the great “IAM” (Exodus 3:14), is referred to by many different namesthroughout the Bible, each with a specific meaning and application.For example, they range from “Almighty God” (Genesis17:1) to “the most High” (Psalm … Read more

Rich in Every Sense


Are you rich?If you dare to say NO, I’ll use a hammer andknock your head really, really hard to get some senses intoyou.You are RICH, very, very RICH.Let me explain to you.First, let us assume that you are alive.In this case,there’re trillions and trillions of little busy cells runningup and down your body.They are your … Read more

Something Beyond the Body


“Everyone has experienced what he would call a sense ofbeing transported beyond himself.”“If you will consider what this“transportation” really entails, you will realize thatit is a sudden unawareness of the body, and a joining of yourselfand something else in which your mind enlarges to encompassit…What really happens is that you have given up theillusion of … Read more

A Look at Evil Entities, Possession and Spirit Guides


There are actually those in the medical field that believepossession is real, and that possession is not explainable by anyother psychological diagnosis. In the actual case studies I haveread nothing has come close to comparing with the images portrayedin horror movies. Rather, most of the case studies involve peoplewho open themselves up to faulty teachings, … Read more

Radiate Positive Energy By Living Life Meaningfully


Some persons claim to have inherited their psychic gifts. Someothers claim to have learned from their parents who were alsoclairvoyants. Souls of dead pet and people communicate with thespirits of the audience members’ deceased relatives.Author finds psychic medium quite capable of helping a personfacing problems in personal, relationship, business or career lifefor it can communicate … Read more

Welcome Christmas This Year With Great Zeal


Christmas is the most popular & sacred festival of thefollowers of Christianity but it is also celebrated bynon-Christians throughout the world. The main theme behindChristmas celebration is the same across the world but there aresome custom differences. Every country has its own customs behindChristmas celebration. However, Christmas is celebrated with greatzeal & enthusiasm on the … Read more