Displaced Anger: What Are You Really Mad About And With Whom?


MODE OF Cosmic Therapy: The Esoteric Truth About AngerSo, what is it that you are upset about today? I don’tmean those life or death disturbances but those little irritatingtroubling aggravating circumstances whereby you get to throw yourspecialized tantrums? How upset, mad, angry, frustrated ordefending are you in your position this time? Any new line or … Read more

Intangible Voice of Motivation


In order, for you, to connect and express YOUR Intangible Voiceof Motivation, which is nothing less than your individualSoul’s Assignment, you must firstwant to discover the obscurely veiled talents,gifts and abilities that lie repressed in you. Then, afteracknowledging and agreeing that you are ready to receive the‘pool of work’ attached, you must also agree tovolunteer … Read more

Fame, Fortune,Wealth, Love, Happiness and Riches: How to Push The “On” Button


MODE Of Cosmic Therapy: Seeking The Awesome Esoteric MagickPower WithinHelplessness is a paralyzing debilitating human unnaturalemotion, which immediately places the person in a defensive,accusing and morbidly hostile position. No one likes to feelhelpless or hopeless. Yet, a majority of the human race fills theirexistence with just such devastating moods. Why? Because humans donot believe they … Read more

Perception just by Theodore Austin Sparks


Christianity will be rapidly dispersing given that many years.In the end have several revered enrollees getting about theirreligions or even castes, much the same way we’ve Sir TheodoreAustin Sparks referring to Christian church, Christian school alongwith Christian academy in their publications, content andadditionally magazines.Just before I illustrate his detailed work towards theenhancement involving his or … Read more

Sacred Esoteric Human Master Mental Magician, What Will You Conjure Up Today?


MODE Of Cosmic Therapy: Using The Esoteric Power Of The MInd ToCreate Magick In Your LifeA most revered (coveted) esoteric secret known to many butaccepted by few is that you are in possession of everything youcould possibly ever want,(love, understanding,health, beauty, truth, contentment, happiness)need, (sexual/stimulationgratification/fulfillment)desire (success, riches,material wealth), or aspire(contribution tomankind, notable fame, meaningful reputation, … Read more

Body’s Innate Health Compass: Sacred Seductive Feet Sensitivity


MODE Of Cosmic Therapy: Taking Care Of Our Sacred FeetNow is the time for mind/body/sexual healing! You’ve simply beensick and tired long enough. Your body is too flooded with doubt,concern, worry, and pessimistic directed energy. You say that youdon’t have enough energy but that is a false statement. Youalways have enough vitality but you are … Read more

The logic of all religions/spirituality


It is the nature of every human being to be happy. However, ifbeing blissful is our real nature, then why are we not alwayshappy? Why is there so much of anarchy, of strife in the world? Whyat the personal, professional and public fronts is there so much ofunhappiness?A human being has four components – the … Read more

Specific Colors Reveal Esoteric Clues for Benefit/ Pleasure/Disparity


MODE Of Cosmic Therapy: Colors of Pleasure/Benefit/DistractionIn RelationshipsGratitude is a naturally imbuedquality of man. But, not the indebted gratitude one feels foranother human being but authentic gratitude to live as you choose.To awake in the morning with adulation and adoration for yetanother day of unsurpassed unexplored unexpressed undefinedunconditional living is instinctual. Human beings are‘natural and … Read more

Beyond Your Normal Awareness


The body is outside you, but seems to surround you, shutting youoff from others and keeping you apart from them, and them fromyou.”“Everyone has experienced what he would call a sense ofbeing transported beyond himself. If you will consider what this“transportation” really entails, you will realize thatit is a sudden unawareness of the body, and … Read more