Priority Setting


In modern competitive world, time has acquired importance morethan any thing else in life. Another reason for its significance isits unidirectional flow ie. a gone time never returns back, makingone to lose an opportunity available at one time. Therefor, forachieving success in any endeavor, we must know how to use our timeoptimally and then making … Read more

The Utility Of Time Clocks In An Office


time clockscan be referred to by various names. They are called punch clocks,or time recorders. It is termed as a mechanical time piece that isused to track the working hours of an employee. Its utility is ofimmense importance if there is a need to process payrolls. It isimportant to be precise in this regard. No … Read more

5 Ways to Reset Your Body Clock


You are working night shift; hence, you fall asleep in themorning and wake up in the evening. It is not surprising then thatyour circadian rhythm is damaged. But what if you suddenly decideto look for a new job that will require you to get back to standardworking hours? Initially, you will have a difficult time … Read more

Are You Ready For An Al-Anon Meeting


What are Al-Anon meetings and what goes on during one? First ofall, Al-Anon is a Twelve Step program for those who are related toor who are friends of problem drinkers and alcoholics. If one has aloved one who is dependent on alcohol, you are most likelysuffering from the alcoholic’s lifestyle and have a varietyof emotional … Read more

Being Organised is the Key to Success


Our world is developing and evolving quickly and today we livein a fast moving information age. The flow of information is movingso fast that at times it seems impossible to keep up. People arerushing around, our work load is usually overbooked, there are notenough hours in the day and everyone appears stressed. Let’s faceit in … Read more