The Truth about Postpartum Depression


Tom Cruise and Brooke Shields are currently engaging in a word war against each other because of a type of depression , called postpartum depression. Cruise’s and Brooke’s debacle started when Tom Cruise openly disapproved of Brooke Shield’s personal choice of opting to take prescribed medicines to cure her postpartum depression , when he was … Read more

Early Abortion Options


The earlier a woman decides to have an abortion, the moreoptions there will be available to her. Two options, bothnon-surgical, are the Abortion Pill and the Aspiration Procedure.Both are natural and safe methods for ending pregnancy. These earlyoptions are completed within less than ten weeks of pregnancy. Itis recommended that pregnancies be terminated within the … Read more

Safety of the abortion pill


Is the abortion pill safe enough for terminating pregnancy?Unplanned or unwanted pregnancies do happen and not every woman iscapable of seeing it to the last term or caring for the babyafterwards for a variety of reasons. Abortion pills under medicalsupervision are a comparatively safer way to end pregnancies and abetter option over surgical abortion, if … Read more

Medical Abortion


Women who are eight weeks pregnant (or less) can opt for medicalabortion if they don’t wish to continue with the pregnancy.Medical abortion is a type of early abortion; it is performed bythe administration of a combination of medications given to thepregnant woman, under the supervision of experienced physicians.During the initial visit to the office, patients … Read more

The abortion pill- which is safer, oral or vaginal?


Pros and cons of both oral and vaginal abortion pillAmongst the many controversies surrounding the methods of doingabortion, another issue raises its head, that of the safer choiceof an abortion pill. Abortion pill can be administered in two ways,oral or/and vaginal and the debate here is of which is the saferoption.To understand the safety of … Read more

Abortion: What are the costs?


The Supreme Court of the US ruled 1979 that abortions may beconducted up until the time that a baby can live outside itsmother’s womb, which is estimated to be the twenty eighthweek of a pregnancy. This is the same ruling that gave “JaneRoe” the right to abortion. Since then, different states havetried to restrict abortions … Read more

Be aware of birth control side effects of pills before using


Take an informed decision- know the side-effects of birthcontrol pillsThe invention of the birth control pill heralded a new era forwomen as now they could have a say in family planning or avoidunwanted pregnancies. It is the most widely accepted form of birthcontrol. The pill contains estrogen and progesterone to alter theprocess of ovulation by … Read more

What Are The Life Or Death Medical Errors


In the past few years, The California Hospital and MedicalAssociations commissioned study on medical malpractice insurance.The study exposed disgusting results – that one out of everytwenty patients who sought treatment in hospitals were injuredbecause of medical mismanagement, and one out of every ten patientsdied as a result.Similar, a study conducted by a team from Harvard … Read more

Thyroid Testing for Hyperthyroidism


The thyroid gland secretes hormones in the bloodstream. Thesehormones, in turn, regulate the functions of the organs and thecells inside the body. The thyroid gland is mainly responsible forthe hormones that regulate the body’s metabolic processes. Itcontrols the way the body burns energy.What is Hyperthyroidism?Hyperthyroidism is a condition wherein the thyroid glands failto work as … Read more

Abortion and Older Women


People usually associate the question of unplanned pregnancieswith young, immature teenagers who suddenly discover that they arepregnant. Surprisingly, unplanned pregnancies are on the rise forolder women too; the number of pregnancies occurring among womenover forty is increasing. From the findings of the Family PlanningAssociation, or FPA, it appears that a large number of women whoare … Read more