Dr. Tyrone Malloy Scholarship Recognizes Future Leaders in Women’s Healthcare

Dr. Tyrone Malloy, a distinguished gynecologist, educator, and legal professional, is proud to announce the Dr. Tyrone Malloy Scholarship for Medical Students. This prestigious scholarship honors Dr. Malloy’s unwavering dedication to advancing women’s healthcare by supporting aspiring medical professionals who share his passion and commitment to excellence. Investing in the Next Generation of Women’s Health … Read more

Finding The Best Clinic For A Breast Enlargement Operation


It may have taken you a long time to finally decide to go aheadand have a breast enlargement operation. Once you have made thatdecision you shouldn’t rush to contact the first clinic youcome across. Taking some time here could save you from choosing aclinic you will regret going to.The most important thing at this stage … Read more

Teen Violence among Dating Teenage Couples: Recognition andPrevention


The numbers are sobering: 64 out of every 100,000 teens die eachyear. Much attention and prevention is focused on motor vehicledeaths because vehicular accidents are the number one cause ofdeath for teenagers, but the second highest cause of death is justas scary: homicide. At least one in 10 teenagers report that theyhave experienced physical dating … Read more

Dating service – Make a healthy married life


Dating a special guy and then committed to marry that guy withwhom one enjoyed dating is all the sweet and enjoyable part of thelife’s circle. The real tick starts when this relationship faceshardships. The term hardships can either be a red carpet hardshipwherein one cannot come out of the debt and in turn feels indebtedto … Read more

Unwind with London escorts


London is a city of culture, of excitement and sin. There’s anaughtier side to the capital. London is home to some of the mostbeautiful girls from all over the world. As a truly internationalworld city it’s a magnet for the world’s most attractive women whoflock here in droves. No matter what kind of girl catches … Read more

Boost Confidence with a Breast Enlargement


It’s an unfortunate fact that many women lack confidence becausethey are unhappy with the size of their breasts. Sometimes, when awoman has smaller breasts, it can make her feel unattractive andunfeminine – which can quickly lead to tumbling confidence and areduced ability to interact with others within their daily lives.Although it’s a shame that some … Read more

Escorts – A Misunderstood Profession


To some people, the term ‘escort’ is almost a dirtyword. Many people assume that escorts are nothing but a playthingfor sleazy men, destined to do the bidding of those who simplycannot get a woman. However, in reality, the life of an escort canbe one that is filled with fun and, in many cases, even be … Read more

The Perfect Summer Nights


Summer is the time to explore; to stay up late and enjoy thelong nights, and simply to cast off those winter shackles andremember just how much fun life can be. However, no matter whatyour idea of fun is, even the best summer nights are not going tobe perfect without the right person by your side.For … Read more

When you think of your designer purse


When you think of your designer purse, you think of elegance,model, and beauty; maybe you favour sassiness, flashiness, andpizzazz. Whichever your choice, you have a branded out there thatmakes you want to simply drool. Just one brand that is short forabove the rest in your big eyes. Some people like Louis Vuitton;most people think Bayberry … Read more