The Art of Wine Tasting


Even though many just assume that wine tasting is sipping , swishing , and swallowing – many are amazed to find that it’s actually a bit more.  Wine tasting is more of an art , an art that is used to distinguish the taste of fine wines.  Wine can be a tasty and refreshing drink … Read more

The Right Temperature For Storing Wine


Although position is important when storing wine , temperature is the most important storing factor overall. Even though you may not have the ideal conditions for storage , you should always store wine at the optimal temperature. The temperature when storing your wine is very important , as it affects the overall quality , flavor … Read more

All about Organic Wine


There is a difference between sustainable wine and organic wine. There are people who cannot distinguish between words like sustainability , preservative free wine , organics and biodynamic wine.There is a difference between sustainable wine and organic wine. There are people who cannot distinguish between words like sustainability , preservative free wine , organics and … Read more

All about the exceptional Prosecco Wine


History records show that wine is ancient. It was first made in Persia and the Nile basin. There are records to prove this. What started off as a practice in early human settlements would soon spread as far as Europe.History records show that wine is ancient. It was first made in Persia and the Nile … Read more