Essential Guide to the Role of an Accountant: Key Responsibilities, Benefits, and Career Path

What Does an Accountant Do? Accountants keep businesses and individuals financially healthy by recording, analysing and reporting financial data. Their expertise in managing financial records, preparing tax returns and auditing ensures financial statements are transparent and reliable. In this article we’ll look at the main responsibilities of accountants, the different specialisms within the profession and … Read more

An NJ accounting firm can help local businesses stay financially solvent


In these dire financial times, businesses of all sizes arestruggling to cope. Large, multi- national corporations aredeclaring bankruptcy in groups, and if they are able to avoidfiling Chapter 11 bankruptcy, they are engaging in massive layoffsand plant closings. Small businesses are having an even harder timestaying afloat. In the New Jersey area, this is painfully … Read more

Govt probable to decide SBI’s rights issue proposal in 4-5 days


The government is likely to decide on the Rs 20,000 crore rightsissue proposal of State Bank of India (SBI) in the next 4-5days.”Various issues are being looked into. The Finance Ministry atthe moment is doing number crunching,” sources said.The government is likely to decide about SBI’s rights issueproposal in next 4-5 days, sources added.SBI requested … Read more

Outsources payroll services to the rescue


Small companies can often find it hard to implement theprocesses of an effective HR department. This is not for want ofsuch a department but merely due to the fact that finances andsometimes space might not yet permit. When this type of situationarises the help of outsourcing can come to the resucue. In most ofthe cases, … Read more

Indian rival in works to get swipe at Visa, MasterCard


Visa and MasterCard, the American giants that play a role nineout of ten times when anyone uses a credit card in the world, willface an unusual rival in India.IndiaPay, a new state-backed payment processing platform, willbe up and running within the next two years. Once it goes onstream,the IndiaPay card will not only dilute the … Read more

What is IR35


IR 35 is a piece of legislation brought in by the government in1999. The name derives from the press release used to announce theintroduction of the legislation “Inland Revenue press release35”.IR 35 does not change the way in which you provide your servicesnor does it change the legal status of your employment. What IR 35does … Read more

Free your staff and help develop new business opportunities


Some business opportunities can be dauntingly large and may wellinvolve brave, carefully calculated decisions regarding additionalfinancing or the major redeployment of staff. One area that lendsitself easily to helping staff focus on other, more lucrativeconcerns is that of HR payroll.HR payroll is a specialist, complex and highly time-sensitiveoperation. Considerable legal knowledge; full awareness of how … Read more

Keeping Accounts Level in the Recession


Businesses in the United Kingdom are continuing to be hit by theeconomic downturn and the longer it goes on the harder some arefinding it to be able to cope. Books are being scrutinised asaccountants look for ways to save and scrimp to stay fightinganother day.Where some are struggling, others have failed. These collapsedcompanies act as … Read more

Private Sector Banks Hikes Home and Car Loan Rates by 25-50 bps


HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank and Kotak Mahindra have raised rates onhome and auto loans, reflecting the stiffening market that may leadto the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) hastening with a lift in itspolicy rates from record lows to fight inflation.The country’s largest private sector lender, ICICI Bank,says it is going to charge 25 to 50 … Read more