With the IBM 00M-235 certification exam you become an IBM Tivoli Security Solution Sales Professional. This applies if you pass the exam of course. If you do not , you can retake once. And if you unfortunately do not make it on the second attempt as well , you need to give a gap of three months before you can register for yet another retake. Total number of questions is 51 , which you have to crack in 90 minutes. You need to get a score of at least 70 out of a possible hundred in order to pass the test. The test is offered in English language only.1. Introduction: know the basics of IBM security framework to do well on this part of the test. This will be 2 % of you entire exam but of course you need the basic understanding to go further to more complex topics. The second section will be testing you on identity and access management so make sure you know well about people and identity to score well on this section which will make up about 45 % of the test. The third section will deal with Big Fix and will cover 15 % of the exam. You will have to demonstrate your skill in addressing customer assets and security needs. The fourth section will be 33 % of the test and it will cover threat migration. Make sure you have read well about network and sever , virtual and endpoint. Section five will be only 5 % of your test and cover topic on compliance. Make sure you know enough about compliance policies , legislation and procedures. The final section will be 5 % and cover infrastructure. Make sure to cover topics like Tivoli products sales and how to identify opportunities. PreparationIBM has suggested three courses for effective preparation of the 00M-235 IBM certification exam. Part 1 – Selling the Tivoli Security Portfolio , this course is seventy three minutes longPart 2 – Selling the Tivoli Security Portfolio , this course is seventy minutes in duration.Part 3 – Selling the Tivoli Security Portfolio , the duration for this is seventy minutesAlong with these essential courses , make sure you practice thoroughly before you show up for the exam. You can download practice test and full length exams on many websites. So , make sure you are reading and practicing enough to ensure that you would not have to retake. With the IBM 00M-235 certification exam you become an IBM Tivoli Security Solution Sales Professional. This applies if you pass the exam of course. If you do not , you can retake once. And if you unfortunately do not make it on the second attempt as well , you need to give a gap of three months before you can register for yet another retake. Total number of questions is 51 , which you have to crack in 90 minutes. You need to get a score of at least 70 out of a possible hundred in order to pass the test. The test is offered in English language only.1. Introduction: know the basics of IBM security framework to do well on this part of the test. This will be 2 % of you entire exam but of course you need the basic understanding to go further to more complex topics. The second section will be testing you on identity and access management so make sure you know well about people and identity to score well on this section which will make up about 45 % of the test. The third section will deal with Big Fix and will cover 15 % of the exam. You will have to demonstrate your skill in addressing customer assets and security needs. The fourth section will be 33 % of the test and it will cover threat migration. Make sure you have read well about network and sever , virtual and endpoint. Section five will be only 5 % of your test and cover topic on compliance. Make sure you know enough about compliance policies , legislation and procedures. The final section will be 5 % and cover infrastructure. Make sure to cover topics like Tivoli products sales and how to identify opportunities. PreparationIBM has suggested three courses for effective preparation of the 00M-235 IBM certification exam. Part 1 – Selling the Tivoli Security Portfolio , this course is seventy three minutes longPart 2 – Selling the Tivoli Security Portfolio , this course is seventy minutes in duration.Part 3 – Selling the Tivoli Security Portfolio , the duration for this is seventy minutesAlong with these essential courses , make sure you practice thoroughly before you show up for the exam. You can download practice test and full length exams on many websites. So , make sure you are reading and practicing enough to ensure that you would not have to retake.