00M-195 is an IBM test that measure sales mastery. It covers several products including Tivoli Security , Info sphere , and Data power. Before you register for the 00M-195 test , you have to take IBM sales security modules as a pre requisite of the exam. Once you qualify the 00M-195 exam you become an IBA certified Security Solution Sales Professional.A Brief LookThe test has a total of 47 questions and the allotted time is 90 minutes. The minimum score you need to qualify the test is 74 %. The 00M-195 exam is taken in English language only.The test has a total of 5 sections:1. General security: here you should demonstrate an ability to differentiate IBM security solutions strategies from portfolio. This part would be around 17 % of your test. 2. Identity and access management security: access management and security would be the main focus of this section. This section will be about 23 % of your test.3. Data and information security: identifying and processing opportunities to progress in data and info security. This again would be 23 % of your 00M 195 IBM certification exam.4. Application and process security: the next 22 % will test you on application security and process security.5. Infrastructure security: the final 23 % will be about identification of opportunities to progress in infrastructure security. 00M-195 Preparation Materials IBM has suggested some test preparation materials that you should review before you take the test. It is wise to start preparing even before you register for the test so that you can see where you need to invest more effort and do so without any time constraints.IBM Security WhiteboardApp Scan product lineRational app Scan 101Selling the Tivoli security portfolioIBM security servicesOpen web application security projectLuckily , these courses are very short , particularly as compared to other courses for certifications. You can take more than one course a day , technically speaking. The longest course is just a little more than an hour. Along with these resources you can go to online test preparation materials and access some practice sessions. This would help you get a hang of the test and your test taking strategies and skills. Moreover , you can join a forum and talk to other test takers to share popular test preparation strategies to crack the exam. 00M-195 is an IBM test that measure sales mastery. It covers several products including Tivoli Security , Info sphere , and Data power. Before you register for the 00M-195 test , you have to take IBM sales security modules as a pre requisite of the exam. Once you qualify the 00M-195 exam you become an IBA certified Security Solution Sales Professional.A Brief LookThe test has a total of 47 questions and the allotted time is 90 minutes. The minimum score you need to qualify the test is 74 %. The 00M-195 exam is taken in English language only.The test has a total of 5 sections:1. General security: here you should demonstrate an ability to differentiate IBM security solutions strategies from portfolio. This part would be around 17 % of your test. 2. Identity and access management security: access management and security would be the main focus of this section. This section will be about 23 % of your test.3. Data and information security: identifying and processing opportunities to progress in data and info security. This again would be 23 % of your 00M 195 IBM certification exam.4. Application and process security: the next 22 % will test you on application security and process security.5. Infrastructure security: the final 23 % will be about identification of opportunities to progress in infrastructure security. 00M-195 Preparation Materials IBM has suggested some test preparation materials that you should review before you take the test. It is wise to start preparing even before you register for the test so that you can see where you need to invest more effort and do so without any time constraints.IBM Security WhiteboardApp Scan product lineRational app Scan 101Selling the Tivoli security portfolioIBM security servicesOpen web application security projectLuckily , these courses are very short , particularly as compared to other courses for certifications. You can take more than one course a day , technically speaking. The longest course is just a little more than an hour. Along with these resources you can go to online test preparation materials and access some practice sessions. This would help you get a hang of the test and your test taking strategies and skills. Moreover , you can join a forum and talk to other test takers to share popular test preparation strategies to crack the exam.